What is Care Management?​
Formerly known as Geriatric Care Management (CM), the new term Care Management is a service that coordinates care for a client. A care manager is either a Registered Nurse (RN), Social Worker or Gerontologist professional serving aging families. The benefits of having a care manager are to minimize fragmented care, safety and quality are center of the care, improve access to other health care services and improve the client's experience with the healthcare team.
The role of the care manager is to advocate, educate, coordinate services, identify clients and/or caregivers' strengths, needs, concerns and preferences. The care manager makes home visits, develops a care plan and coordinates care. The care manager is part of the client's healthcare team.
Why hire a Care Manager?​
We understand the overwhelming feeling of caring for a loved one with memory loss. Caregivers may feel they are all alone and not sure who to turn to for help or simply ask questions. Care Partner to Caregiver was founded by a former caregiver who understands the journey of caring for aging parents and a parent living with Alzheimer's Disease. We understand the challenges facing families trying to navigate a complicated health care system. Having a care manager as part of your health care team can reduce the stress and burden of caregiving, reduce health care cost, and provide a support system.
"Our vision is for every person living with memory loss to continue to live a joyful and purposeful life."

Who we serve
Adults 50 years or older living with memory loss:
Care Partners/Caregivers
Mild Cognitive Impairment
Alzheimer's Disease
Vascular Dementia
Lewy Body Dementia
Parkinson's Disease
Mixed Dementia
Frontotemporal Dementia
and other forms of memory loss.